Valori incompresi
(Disregarded values)

Alessandra Catta

Alessandra Catta - Valori incompresi
The author
  • Born in 1998, Alessandra Catta graduated from the Liceo Artistico Filippo Figari di Sassari in Visual Arts (Painting). She decided to further her studies by attending the Sculpture class in the Academy of Fine Arts Mario Sironi . She has recently taken parts in many contests and projects, both within the framework of the Academy and outside, gaining several acknowledgments.

  • Glazed ceramic

  • Iron

  • Preserve to re-discover

  • Values from the past

  • Reflection

The artwork

The excavations at the archaeological site of Mont’e Prama are crucial for Sardinian people to gain a better understanding of their own history. However, currently the excavations have been concluded, making the opportunities of further findings essentially null. The artist seeks to represent the current state of the archaeological site and the historical and cultural impacts of the situation. It is a critical artwork that invites the viewer to analyse the need to expand the sculptural complex of the Giants and essentially the Nuragic culture. This idea can also be expanded to include artistic heritage around the world and the need for the protection of cultural aspects. The protection of cultural heritage is essential in a country such as Italy, where neglect threaten to drag some of the world’s greatest masterpieces into oblivion. To demonstrate this, the artist puts the giant inside a drawer with the hope that by keeping it inside, its values and meanings will remain protected from external threats. This is with the dream that although the drawer may be kept closed for a long time and become rusty in the process, there will come a day when someone will open it and rediscover with enthusiasm and curiosity the message that was left behind by a culture from the past.

Alessandra Catta - Valori incompresi
Alessandra Catta - Valori incompresi

Past and present.

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arte nuragica / contemporanea


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09129 - Cagliari


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